Chiara Cavastracci Strascia - MMS

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Chiara Cavastracci Strascia

Molecular Modeling Section (MMS)
Via Marzolo 5 - 35131- Padova (Italy)
phone: +39 049 827 5801; fax: +39 049 827 5366
email:; Skype user:

Bibliometric indexes:


Scientific interests:
Human antigen R (HuR) RNAbinding protein
Professional skills:
Protein- and ligand-based drug design, Docking and virtual screening, Fragment-based drug design, Molecular Dynamics, RNA Supervised Molecular Dynamics, Thermal Titration Molecular Dynamics (TTMD)
My publications:

This Ph.D. Fellowship is dupported by “PNRR M4C2-Investimento 1.4- CN00000041” financed by – NextGenerationEU".
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