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Frequently Asked Questions

Q : Is there any hardware requirements for pepMMsMimic?
A : pepMMsMimic should work on any platform. However, you should refer also to the Jmol webpages for any platform related issue:

Q : What browser does pepMMsMimic run on?
A : pepMMsMimic should work on most recent browsers. However it has primarily been developed on Mozilla Firefox 3.x and Safari 5.0, and tested on Internet Explorer 6.x/7.x.

Q : Is there any plugin or other software that I need installed on my computer to use the pepMMsMimic interface?
A : The 3D structure applet (Jmol) are requires Java 1.5 and the browsers to have Java pluggin installed.

Q : Who do I contact if I want to report a bug in the pepMMsMimic system?
A : If you experience any kind of problem or identify a bug, please contact Matteo Floris.

Q : How can I learn to use pepMMsMimic?
A : See the Background page for some hints or the Tutorial page for a guided demonstration.

Q : How can I interface the pepMMsMimic system to my personal database of small molecules?
A : If you want a personalized and/or in-house version of pepMMsMimic, please contact Matteo Floris or Stefano Moro, we would be really happy to collaborate with you.

Q : Is there any planned future improvement of pepMMsMimic?
A : Yes, there will be soon a major improvemente: pepMMsMimic will be soon based on the forthcoming release of MMsINC (we estimate al least 30M of structures for a mono-conformer version, and about 100M of structures for a multi-conformer version).

Q : how can I be stay in touch about future improvement of pepMMsMimic?
A : Simply subscrive the RSS feeds of the Alchemoinformatics blog or contact Matteo Floris asking to be informed for any improvement.

For more informations, for a copy of the executables or for any technical issue, please contact Stefano Moro ( and Matteo Floris (